Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Ammunition For The Evolved Spiritual War

After class last week, my curiosity of near death experiences and their potential of proving the existence of the soul took over and got me thinking. After watching a few YouTube videos on the subject I couldn't help but wonder, why is this not more seriously being looked into. Theories such as evolution and the big bang that seek to disprove the existence of the spiritual world are given top shelf treatment in research. However, after all of the research is gathered and reviewed to disprove the need for or the existence of a god, it falls short. Even one of the most widely known atheists of our time, Richard Dawkins, cannot say with 100% certainty that there is no God in Ben Stein's documentary, Expelled.

If a belief is not proven 100% either way, then there is room for error in the conclusion. If there is error in the conclusion than another one can be looked for. So then, why not research the notion of a god or the existence of the inmaterial further? There are individuals out there who have set out to disprove the bible and the divinity and existence of Jesus and have ended up believers. According to the text, Living By The Book, this happened to a man by the name of Frank Morison. Frank and other authors like him provide beneficial talking points for the defense of a belief in God. Likewise, stories of near death experiences give credibility to the inmaterial aspect of humanity, the soul.

Topics such as these are what Christians of the 21st century need to be studying up on in addition to the bible. I am a believer that using the bible to prove your argument just does not cut it anymore. The spiritual war that Paul speaks of in Ephesians 6:12 has evolved to a more complicated war for the mind or the intellect as well as the soul. Secular scientists, whether they know it or not, have drawn their battle lines and it is time for Christians to prepare their minds and hearts for the intellectually spiritual battles that are before us. What I mean is simply this, both sides (secular and non) have faith that their belief is correct, so it is our responsibility as Christians to bring intellectual ammunition to the battle front.

As a final thought I wonder to myself, what it is that secular science is so afraid of regarding spirituality. It is my speculation that the secular world fears the loss of their facade called, 'absolute freedom in thought and action.' If secular science uses all of its resources to discover the validity of the spiritual world and proves its existence, they have to then deduce why it is there. The only explanation is to turn to what we as believers in the inmaterial turn to, religion and/or philosophy. Such a notion is rapidly discarded because it carries with it the presupposition that independence, autonomy and control over our own lives is gone; and in a world that embraces solely humanistic ideals such as self-actualization and becoming a fully functioning person, this is a terrifying thought.

1 comment:

  1. I too am compelled by the rationale of "intelligent design" in science. This is the rationale that serves as a scientific pathway to the theory that there is a "divine creator". I liked our discussion on "natural revelation" and found the quote that Dr. Corsini, delivered by Dr. Lightner, on the subject to be an important conclusion for the believer to remember. Lightner asserts that the problem is not with the messages of "natural revelation" of God but with the impact of the fall that blinds our eyes from receiving those messages. A part from the grace of God which has allowed us to see the truth, we are blind. The movie "Expelled" is a great example of the "blinding of their eyes." Romans 11:8 references passages in the Old Testament that acknowledge this fact: “GOD GAVE THEM A SPIRIT OF STUPOR,
    Knowing this helps me curb my bent toward righteous anger and allows me to have empathy for a secular sub-set that is likely to be angry and offended by the thought of funding research to prove the existence of God.


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