Apparently, France's European neighbors have gone through financial crisis and their reactions were not the same. Britain is $243 billion in debt and is implimenting a plan to decrease 131 billion dollars in 5 years with the cost of 490,000 jobs by 2015.
From a psychological perspective, it is interesting to note the reasons why France has acted differently to their financial crisis than the other European countries. Did France protest because they didnt agree with the plan implimented or was it a reaction to their anxiety of possibly going into serious debt? What makes people hold onto their ways and not move into a direction to be rid of debt- has France been in reality with their debt crisis? do they believe everything will be fine by only protesting and not moving forward with a solution?
These questions raise the point that there can be two groups of people going through a similar crisis and yet react differently. I believe it has something to do with each groups worldview. What one believes comes out and this is especially evident when a crisis comes into reality.