Thursday, November 4, 2010

vs. "Love Thy Neighbor"

I was watching the show Extreme Home Makeover when they went to pick out bedding for some teenage boys when they suggested the new "Coexist" line of bedding. I immediately had the image of that annoying bumper sticker often seen on teenage wanna-be hippie cars flash through my mind, and rolled by eyes. Kind of a knee jerk reaction to what I perceived as arrogant people thinking that one religion that advocates for killing anyone who doesn't believe in what they do, and the engrains the hatred for others into their teaching can just coexist with the others... But then I started to consider, "Well how does what Jesus taught about 'love thy neighbor' tie into all this? Isn't it the same concept?" I've actually gone back and forth several times with what I think about this, even while writing this. Is what this bumper sticker is advocating, "getting along" with other religions the same as what we as Christians are supposed to do, in loving our neighbors? This generation especially has definitely confused the line between tolerance and acceptance already. Saying that we need to show tolerance to the homosexual lifestyle, and tolerance towards other religions but what most of them are really meaning is acceptance. Tolerance implies having "enduring". Having respect for a person but that does not mean we have to then accept their actions. Accepting means saying what they do is ok, and it can be right and even seen as moral. As Christians we must maintain and idea of tolerance as respect for others, but in no way accept the sinful actions of others, especially those found in some religions which say it is ok to brutally harm other human beings.
So... back to the bumper sticker... Is it advocating for tolerance or acceptance? Or maybe do the people who started the trend not even really understand the difference? What does 'love thy neighbor' really mean and how should we as Christians react to a bumper sticker like that??? Help me out, because I am still struggling!

1 comment:

  1. I have gone back and forth over how I feel about this bumper sticker. Often when I see it, I immediately respond in the same way that you do.. by rolling my eyes. However, in the past few months I have often thought "what if this 'coexist' bumper sticker is trying to portray the same message God left us with in 'love your neighbor as yourself'. I am still going back and forth with my feelings about this bumper sticker. If the bumper sticker is trying to portray getting along with others, than I believe this is a good message. However, if it is trying to portray that we should be accepting of things that are clearly not right (based on our beliefs as Christians) than I do not appreciate this bumper sticker. I guess I'm not much help to you, but I am very confused as well!


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