Monday, October 22, 2012

Prayer Heals

When praying to the one and only true God, prayer is absolutely influential on healing, whether that healing is physical or spiritual. Many people believe that prayer has the power to bring physical healing. I believe this too. Many scientific studies have seen the power of prayer heal many people. However, not every time we pray for physical healing for ourselves or our loved ones does that mean that every person who prays for healing with receive that healing. I believe that if you truly pray for healing, you will find that healing in some way. There are many instances where the power of prayer leads to a miracle and there are also instances where prayer is still just as powerful; however, it does not always lead to complete physical healing. Sometimes the real healing that needs to happen before physical healing is the healing of the heart. Other times healing comes when Jesus takes that loved one home to be with Him.
                  I want to dig deeper, not into what science has to say about the power of prayer proving to heal people from physical illness and injury, but instead I want to look at how prayer is still powerful even when physical healing is not seen. I had written before that my mom had passed away after battling cancer for 19 years. I had grown up in a Christ centered family. Both my mom and my dad were the strongest Christians I had ever met. We went to a church that loved the Lord and prayed diligently to Him for the healing of my mom. My whole family prayed for the healing of the Lord with faith that He would indeed heal her. Through my prayers, I started to experience Christ in a way I had never experienced Him before. He started to prepare my heart for something I wouldn’t be able to go through on my own. I constantly prayed for the Lord to heal my mom. Although my mom wasn’t healed from her disease here on earth does not mean that Christ did not hear my prayer. I believe he healed her body by making it new in heaven. Some people have proposed many ideas to why people are not healed from their disease that they prayed the Lord would heal them of. Some of these ideas include “personal sin (Isaiah 59:2), not forgiving others (Mark 11:25), a lack of faith (James 1:5–8), rejecting God’s law (Proverbs 28:9), or a lack of compassion (Proverbs 21:13).” However, “another response is that the request did not accord with God’s will”(Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic). I believe that it is important to pray for God’s healing; however, I think it is even more important to pray that the Lord’s will be done in our lives.
                  While, prayer did not physically heal my mom of her disease, prayer brought comfort and peace to her heart and to mine as well. After the death of my mom, through prayer, the Lord mended and healed my broken heart. The Lord will always heal in some way if we truly pray for healing, whether it is physical healing, cognitive healing, or spiritual healing.


  1. I appreciate your take on the usefulness of prayer, for healing physically and spiritually. One could hardly imagine how intimately you have experienced the realities of losing a loved one, despite faithful prayer. Your testimony of how Christ prepared you for your mothers passing is touching to say the least; I learned something of faith as a result of reading your post. Your view of the usefulness of prayer in hardship to build trust with Christ is perhaps more mature then those who have yet to experience the reality of loss as you have. I understand for you, faith is enough, the closeness you have with Christ seems more then mere faith, a tangible thing; a truth. I suppose when the scientific community seems to seek proof of the power of prayer it contradicts the purpose of prayer in growing our faith. But as you said, Prayer can change things physically as well as spiritually. What if we gave them that proof? Proof such as the double blind data taken from the studies on the effectiveness of the Christian prayer? Would it change anything for the bias mind, perhaps not, but maybe we should give them the data anyways.

  2. Great post! This reminded me of Christ's prayer when he asked that "this cup pass from him." He did not want to suffer the wrath of God, but knew that was not God's will. It is not wrong to ask for something as long as we ultimately want God's will. That is why Christ prayed "not mine will, but yours." Our will ultimately needs to be God's will above all.

  3. I enjoyed your post! It allowed me to embrace the power of the process in prayer. Often, we may become overly focused on the outcomes and hopes of our prayers. Furthermore, when our prayers are not fulfilled to our wishing...His grace is sufficient. Thanks again!


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