Monday, November 12, 2012

God Attachment

The attachment theory suggests that individuals have personal relationships or attachments to other individuals. Through his or her life, an individual develops either trust or mistrust as they mature physically, emotionally, and cognitively. This results in either a positive or negative form of attachment.  Many people now wonder if it possible to have a personal attachment with Christ. It is that time of year when, along with preparing for the holiday season, there are school assignments, papers, and exams that are due, work seems to pick up speed, and random busy work fill our spare time. It is that time of year when stress levels begin to rise and our hearts become anxious. The automatic response most people have when feeling scared and overwhelmed is running towards something or someone who, in their minds, they consider safe. As Christians, when we experience these feelings of stress and anxiety many of us run to Christ with our burdens knowing that there is safety, hope, and encouragement in Him. In order to trust Christ with one’s life then there must be a relationship, therefore, there must be God attachment. The Christians who do rely on Christ and run to Him for safety are most likely brought up in a secure home where they learned to trust and express their troubles and burdens to someone who cares for them. Through this healthy and secure lifestyle, this individual, if they have put their faith in Christ, is more likely to run to Christ and have a secure attachment to Him than a Christian who grew up in a household of fear, anxiety, and avoidance. Secure God attachment views Christ as a safe haven, a secure base, and a relationship that will never be lost. Those who do not live a secure life growing up may experience other types of God attachment such as anxious, fear, and avoidance attachments. However, this does not mean they cannot experience a secure attachment in Christ. There is a difference between cognitively believing in Christ and following after His very own heart. When we make the conscience decision to follow Christ and trust in Him to be our safety and help in times of need and trouble, we develop a healthy relationship with Christ that would be defined as a secure attachment. (Attachment to God: The attachment to God inventory, tests of working model correspondence,and exploration of  faith group differences)

1 comment:

  1. Nicole, I really appreciated the fact that you included the comment that even though someone may have a less than ideal attachment style, they are still capable of forming a secure attachment in Christ. While I think it is fascinating how our relationships that were developed with our primary caregivers as infants mirrors our relationship patterns with God, I can see how this could discourage those that come from homes that led to anything other than a secure attachment. There is a hope that can be found in a relationship with Christ that can mend our brokenness as humans. Regardless of whatever attachment style we have with our parents, we can have hope in knowing that God is perfect and does not fail us where our parents, family, or others fall short. He wants to have that personal relationship with us that has us running to him while knowing that he will always be there for us whatever our need.


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