Thursday, November 4, 2010

Share Up Front the Heart of God

The topic of abortion has often stirred up a lot of discussion, and contention between both sides of the argument, and in the world we are living in today, I'm not sure that will ever change. World Magazine posted an article titled "Viewpoint Discrimination", about how Crisis Pregnancy Centers are now the object of a bill possibly to be passed, that would enforce stricter rules on what the centers have to tell woman before they can offer assistance. For example, they have to post that they do not have actual MD's working in the centers, and that they will not endorse abortion in any way.

Those involved with Crisis Pregnancy Centers (CPC's) are now concerned that the allegations of manipulating women into receiving counsel from them are having a negative effect on the actual work and mission of the CPC's, and that if this bill is passed, and "disclaimers" have to be used, it will deter people from seeking there assistance. In reading this article, as I got to the end, it struck me that if this bill is passed, those in the CPC's could use this as an opportunity to in using disclaimers, they can share more of what their true purpose is, and heart is behind what they stand for, but more importantly what they want to offer women in need of help. As a counselor, being honest in our counseling, and even more so as a Christian, sharing honestly what the heart of God is toward a person, and toward an issue, can be a powerful testimony and effective way to reach out, and really help someone. It shows someone that you genuinely care about them.

This battle over human life is a very real battle, fought in every nation, over the lives of those from all ages, and though we face a lot of adversity in these battles, God has given us His word, and He has given us Himself to reach out and make a difference in someone's life, and a difference in the world. So in situations like these, where others are trying to interfere with the help offered in places like Crisis Pregnancy Center's, perhaps we can evaluate the allegations, and use them as an opportunity to even better communicate the heart of God to those found in crisis situations of all kinds.

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