Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Created in His Image: A Picture Perfect Understanding

          We are made in the image of God, but what does this mean? This has been a discussion that rises up in counseling. In the article/blog, what is the “image of God,” an explanation is presented referring to Genesis 1:26-27, stating how mankind is made in the image of God, which is expressed as man and woman. The male and female reveal complementary aspects of the Lord’s character, which together helps us, appreciate the width of God’s vision and expression. Humans made in the image of God were designed to bring glory to God as a sinless creation, and we will forever be born to give glory to God, but in a world that humans have now tarnished. The fall of mankind and the evilness within the world we live in does not take away the intrinsic design of both males and females created in the image of God. Once the intended picture of what God desires for a man and woman relationship to look like is understood, the Lord’s vision for mankind is seen. 
          Being made in the image of God ties into the knowledge of the picture God has for our lives to be in community and intimacy with Himself. Humans were created to have the physical, emotional, and spiritual intimacy that God designed when He made us in His image. This godly vision lived out in our relationships between a man and woman flows from our intimacy with Christ. The Lord gives humans an example to live our lives by, yet with all that sin has tarnished, our minds become clouded from this vision of how it suppose to be and for many God’s intended picture is never seen or understood. In class, my professor mentioned that the “opposite of community and intimacy which shows acceptance, is shame,” reminding us that the first emotion Adam and Eve felt after sinning was shame. The act of sin not only messed up God’s created order and brought separation with God, but has also created separation between men and women. 
          Another extremely important truth mentioned in my counseling class was that, “The image of God has been defaced, but not erased!” Praise God that His love has made a way for intimacy with Christ to continue to be lived out. The Gospel provides and offers humans this perfect picture marriage the Church of believers has with God. The idea of the Gospel, reflect what we are created to long for. Mankind does not have to be alone and live in constant shame nor do we have to create meaning for our lives to matter.We automatically matter because we as humans are created by the God of the universe, in His image! Life has meaning because Christ provided it, and once we accept and embrace that freedom, how can we help but give God glory as our hearts we made to do! God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, all are equal and one, but all do not have the same roles. It is interesting how God mysteriously, yet obviously gave men and women this example starting with Adam and Eve to live out. This is a beautiful topic and a fascinating truth to examine and study! And once God’s intended picture for relationships is lived out, lives are changed.

Here are some book references that go along with this topic

(this is just a video that goes along with the topic of this blog for you, Thank you!)


  1. I really enjoyed reading your post. You put it in such a beautiful way how mankind was made to bring God glory through an intimate relationship with Him. Often times I forget how my relationship with Christ should be a part of the physical and emotional aspect of life as well as the spiritual aspect. Sadly I sometimes only involved God in my spiritual life, but as you have put it so wonderfully God did not make us to only be involved in one aspect of our lives. I also loved how you have pointed out that even through our image of God is defaced does not mean it is gone completely. While our human perspective has been changed because of sin we can rest in the promise that God never changes. I could not agree more that only Christ provides meaning for life, and that if we accept that we will find more freedom then we can possible image.

  2. Thank you Kandi, that is so encouraging! I wish this topic could be spoken of more often to men, women, girls, and guys. Its life changing to understand and I know it changes relationships and the perspectives we carry on how to treat each other. Your response is making me want to reach out with this more... Thank you!


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