Friday, April 20, 2012

Is missions on your heart?

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So lately a lot of my friends have had it on their hearts to go into mission work, this is so fantastic because we need more people to go out and spread the good news of God! I've been reading this book by Alan and Deborah Hirsch called  Untamed: reactivating a missional form of discipleship  and this was a good passage i wanted to share with you all!!!

You simply cannot be a disciple without being a missionary – a sent one. For way too long discipleship has been limited to issues relating to our own personal morality and worked out i the context of the four walls of the church with its privatized religion. In doing this, we have severely neglected our biblical mandate to go and “make disciples.” We have narrowed the gospel message o just being about us. Please hear us: we don’t want to neglect issues of personal morality. To strive for holiness and maturity in our own personal lives is extremely important, but it is only half the picture; the other half is our God-given responsibility to the world around us. The fact is that you can’t be a disciple without being a missionary: no mission, no discipleship. It’s as simple as that.

I encourage you all not only to read this book but also listen to the words of John Piper and really pray and see if God is putting missions on your heart!

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