Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Dark Knight

Released in 2008, The Dark Knight was released as a sequel to Batman Begins, continuing the story of one of the most popular fictional heroes of our generation.  The movie was praised by critics and audiences alike due to its engrossing story and intense action sequences, however the real reason people flooded into theaters seats was for that of the movie's main villain, the Joker.  The movie portrays the Joker as a villain that not many viewers have seen before in that though he is physically unable to go toe to toe with the hero, his ability to manipulate those around him and eventually bend them to his will gives him all the edge he needs.  It can be said that the Joker is a talented psychologist in that in each of his encounters he seems to know exactly what to say and what buttons to push in order strike fear, as seen with his contrasting stories when explaining his scars in various parts of the movie. By the end of the movie, after many lies and half-truths have been uttered, he has used his skills to break both the good and bad characters into working for himself before finally being brought down by Batman. 

In recent weeks, our class has gone over the book The Bondage Breaker by Neil Anderson.  Though the book gives many different ways of breaking out of the conflicts and depressions in people's lives, a heavy portion of the book and main theme is tied to the fact that spiritual warfare is still a very real thing in our world today, just as it was in the Old and New Testament times.  These demonic forces know just what it takes to bring us down, as they have made it their goal to spread deceit and lies among the church and world as a whole to bring us down to their level.  We combat this not in our own strength, but first by bringing those lies into the light of God's truth. 

A unique passage of Scripture that in many ways parallels the character and story of the Joker can be found in Luke 4:1-13.  It is here that we find the temptation of Christ by Satan, specifically tempting Christ in three particular ways, being that of physical need, materialism and status (or pride of stature).  He tempts Jesus by using his own set of lies and half-truths in order to trip Christ from God's will.  Just as the Joker knew best how to make man fall, Satan knew the best tricks to push us over the edge and believe his lies.  However, just as described in The Bondage Breaker, Christ combats Satan by bring his lies into the Truth of God's word.  We must seek to do this every day by seeking Christ out in our life and relying on Him and bring truth not only into our own lives, but that of the world as well. 


  1. Great post! I loved the comparison of the Joker to an evil psychologist who manipulates those around him to do his will. And the parallel made with Satan and individuals bound to him was perfect. I think that linking the two helps us to understand the reality of spiritual warfare and how easily we can become ensnared into the workings of Satan.

  2. That's an interesting comparison. I've never thought of the joker in that way before, but I can definitely see him as a portrayal of a demon. I suppose each of Batman's nemesis can be seen as some sort of demon, or at the very least, a person being influenced by Satan. If that is the case, then Batman would be the superhero equivalent of Jesus.

  3. I find it sad that our society is so numb and immune to the deep satanic messages in our culture today. The battle of good and evil is often portrayed in movies, yet we rarely recognize who the true enemy is in our lives. Just as the Joker saw Batman's weakness, we need to be aware of our strongholds and seek Christ for strength.


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