Thursday, February 3, 2011

A Tedious Silly Talk of a age-40s?

It is usually said that people are experiencing turning-point or crisis in their age, around 40s. Unfortunately, most of all my mid-age(around 40s) friends, including me, are now facing those kind of crisis and radical turning-point in both their business and family. They are in struggle to find answer about their marriage, kids, parents, and jobs even though they try to be GOOD Christians and find THE answer in the Bible.

It makes me keep thinking about Jesus, as a comforter and counselor. What is ideal function of counselor to the needy, especially people in 40s? What kind of model or illustration does show us the ideal imagine of counselor my age-40s friends?

Additionally, what kind of types of counselor do they want to see? Frankly, what types of counselor do I really want to share my problem and ask help? Here are 4 types of counselor models, Mechanic, Coach, Survival Guide, and Optometrist. At first in my counseling class, I thought if I were a counselee, I would choose to go visit Coach-type counselor’s office.

They, my poor age-40s friends, said they need someone who rejoice together(Luke 10:21), weep together(John 11:35), and share his deeply grieved(Matt. 26:38). In their knowledge, they don’t want new information or method of solution about their problems. We, including me, need someone who can touch and understand our hearts.

p.s. please be generous to my post. I will be getting better.^^


  1. I appreciate your perspective on what a counselor should be in terms of empathy and sharing in another's pain and suffering (or joys and victories!). I also love the fact that you actually polled your friends to find out what kind of counseling they would find most beneficial. And I think among friends, the counseling you describe is necessary and needed in the effort to just manage day-to-day life.

    I wonder though if something more isn't needed for those one does not have a personal relationship with or who are going through a situation that is especially trying. Sometimes the "something new" is exactly what a suffering person needs to pull themselves out of despair. We are called to share one another's burdens, so I think you are correct that this is essential, but within the sharing of burdens and in a counseling capacity, fresh insight, Biblical redirection and an examination of how to proceed are the mechanisms that provide a struggling soul with hope and courage.

  2. It is so enlightening to get the perspective of an age bracket that I have never experienced, and I mean that with the utmost respect because I do not understand anything but what I have myself experienced, and even what I have experienced I do not understand many times! While right now, I am eager to learn more techniques and new theories for health and healing, but in a few years, I might not be so eager for those things. I can understand just wanting someone in the loneliness of this world to just take my hand and walk with me through the journey, whatever that may look like. This reminded me that I need to look outside of my own experiences and learn how to understand others.


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